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Nominate Us in the What’s On 4 Kids Awards 2021!

Do you think we deserve to be nominated for an award?

7th April 2021

Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd

Have you got 2 minutes to nominate Tumble Tots in the What’s On 4 Kids Awards 2021?

Maybe you feel that Charlotte deserves a “Remarkable Achievement within the Pandemic” award or to be recognised in the “Hall of Fame Sponsored By Water Babies for all her hard work doing Tumble Tots at Home?

We would be extremely grateful if you can nominate Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd for “Most Loved Sport or Physical Activity FRANCHISOR or INDEPENDENT With More Than 20 Leaders Overall” and/or “Most Loved Baby Activity FRANCHISOR or INDEPENDENT”.

Or show your appreciation for your local franchise by nominating them for a “Most Loved Activity Leader or Business Manager” award.

Nominations close on 16th April 2021 at 12 noon, please follow the instructions below to nominate and thank you in advance!

There are two categories that Charlotte can be entered into, we don’t mind which you chose but if you can nominate her in both that would be amazing!

To nominate Charlotte for an award, please click here and complete the form as follows:

I want to nominate a… Person
First Name: Charlotte
Surname: Bedford

Company: Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd
Location: England
Tell us why you think this person should win an award… (add your own and please mention that you are nominating her for one or both of these awards:

  • Remarkable Achievement within the Pandemic
  • Hall of Fame Sponsored By Water Babies

Email address of the person/company you are nominating: info@tumbletots.com

There are two categories that Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd., is eligible for, again we don’t mind which you chose but if you can nominate us in both that would be amazing!

To nominate us for an award, please click here and complete the form as follows:

I want to nominate a… Company
Company: Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd
Tell us why you think this person should win an award… (add your own and please mention that you are nominating us for one or both of the following:

  • Most Loved Sport or Physical Activity FRANCHISOR or INDEPENDENT With More Than 20 Leaders Overall
  • Most Loved Baby Activity FRANCHISOR or INDEPENDENT With More Than 30 Leaders Overall

Email address of the person/company you are nominating: info@tumbletots.com

There are two ways you can nominate your local franchise, either as a person or as a company.

To nominate your local franchisee as a PERSON, click here and complete the form as follows (please replace ….. with their details):

I want to nominate a… Person
First Name: …..
Surname: …..
Company: Tumble Tots…..
Location: …..
Tell us why you think this person should win an award… (add your own and please mention that you are nominating them “Most Loved Activity Leader or Business Manager”.

Email address of the person/company you are nominating: …..@tumbletots.com

To nominate your local franchisee as a COMPANY, click here and complete the form as follows (please replace ….. with their details):

I want to nominate a… Company
Company: Tumble Tots…..
Tell us why you think this person should win an award… (add your own and please mention that you are nominating them for one or both of the following:

  • Most Loved Baby Activity FRANCHISE or LICENSE TERRITORY
  • Most Loved Sport or Physical Activity FRANCHISE or LICENSE TERRITORY

Email address of the person/company you are nominating: …..@tumbletots.com

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