Before booking a class, we recommend that you read the frequently asked questions below. If there is anything that you are still unsure, please complete the form or contact us directly.
Is membership compulsory?
It is essential that your child becomes a Tumble Tots Member if they attend more than one session as this includes their Personal Accident Insurance Cover. All children are covered by our public liability insurance.
What does membership include?
Being a member of the National Tumble Tots club entitles your child to attend classes at any attend classes at any centre in the country subject to payment of the local class fee and spaces permitting. Your child will also receive a membership pack which is posted to your home address from head office with 28 days of signing up. This contains their iconic yellow T-Shirt of confidence to wear in classes as well as other goodies! Members are also given additional benefits such as great offers and discounts and reputable brands. For full details please click here
Can I order another t-shirt?
If you would like to order a new t-shirt in a different size before you renew or if it has been lost, we can send you a replacement for £7 (including postage and packaging). Please visit our online shop to order. If your t-shirt is the wrong size or faulty, you can return it to us with your name and membership where upon receipt we will replace it for you free of charge.
How much does Tumble Tots cost?
Prices of individual classes vary across the country between franchisees. If you decide to join after your initial trial session, you will need to book a term of classes and pay an annual membership fee of £28. We offer discounted rates for renewals. For full details please click here.
What happens in classes?
Depending on the age range, each class format differs to reflect your child’s current stage of development. All classes are set up with specially design wooden and foam equipment to develop physical skills of agility, balance and climbing. Please do not allow your child on the equipment outside class times or before the class begins. We also use hand held items for co-ordination skills. Circle times provide opportunity to take part in action songs and rhymes to develop language skills and most important self-confidence.
Which class is right for my child?
We recommend your child attends the class which is relevant to the age and stage of their development. In order to find the best class, it is best to come along for a trial before booking a full term. To find our more about our classes, please click here
Do I need to attend with my child?
Parents are actively involved in the 6 Months - Walking, Walking - 2 Years and 2 - 3 Years classes. We ask that you work directly with your own child to fully understand and enjoy the benefits of the programme. In the Tumble Tots 3 Years - School Age and Gymbobs (School Age – 7 Years) classes, the children participate without an adult but on some occasions, particularly if a child is new to the class, it may be necessary for a parent to sit in during the first few sessions. Parents must remain on site at all times.
What should we wear?
All Tumble Tots and Gymbobs should wear their T-Shirts to sessions as this instils a real sense of being part of the Tumble Tots National Club. Bare feet are best for Tumble Tots and suitable leg-wear should be worn to allow free movement. We ask that babies do not have dummies for healthy and safety reasons. Bracelets and jewellery should not be worn, and hair should be tied back. We suggest that parents/guardians wear comfortable clothing and footwear as well. Please, do not wear high heels or stilettos as they can damage little hands and feet as well as our equipment.
How should I support my child in classes?
Children quickly gain confidence when allowed to solve their own problems. It is vital however, that you remain alert at all times to support and encourage where necessary. Support your child by holding the back of his/her Tumble Tots T-shirt. Avoid holding his/her hands as these need to be free for climbing and to aid balance.
What if my child has additional needs?
Tumble Tots is an inclusive programme and we have many children with different needs attending classes nationwide. If your child has additional needs, we recommend that you discuss these with your local franchisees before attending so you can work together to make the most out of the classes.
How long are classes?
Tumble Tots classes are 45 minutes long and Gymbobs classes are 60 minutes long. It is important to arrive on time for the start of the class as this allows your child to feel fully involved from the beginning.
Can I bring a sibling?
Siblings who are not participating in the session are allowed to attend classes but must keep off the equipment at all times for insurance purposes, if your child has an accident they won’t be insured. It is recommended that you bring some entertainment for them during the class such as a colouring book. Parents with younger siblings can wear carriers so that they are still able to actively participate.
Can my child have a snack during the class?
Please do not bring any food or drink into classes either for participating members, siblings or yourself unless you or your child has a medical condition which requires any. Please eat and drink outside the classroom, either in the waiting area or outside the centre, preferably before or after the session. If you or your child needs a drink, please do so outside of the classroom.
Can I bring my phone?
We recommend that phones aren’t brought into classes to eliminate any distractions, they can be left in your bag onsite or locked away safely in the car.
Can I take photos?
We kindly ask that you do not take pictures in class as the photos may contain images of other children, parents, guardians or members of staff who have not consented to having their pictures taken.
What happens if I miss a class?
Most Tumble Tots centres operate a make-up class policy, enabling you to attend on a different day to your usual one should you miss a class. Please check with your local Tumble Tots franchise for more details.
Do you celebrate birthdays in class?
Birthdays are given special attention, so please help us to ensure your child enjoys this experience by telling the Leader when you arrive.
What happens if I arrive late?
If you arrive late, please don’t worry join the class as and when you are your child are ready and the Leader will provide guidance as to where to begin.