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Fun Adventures Episode 7 Available NOW!

'Toy Shop'

28th November 2018


Tumble Tots Fun Adventures

Come and join in with the fun adventures of TT, Spike, Jo Jo, Leesey and Jack their cute little puppy.

Go with them as they crawl through their magic tunnel transporting them to different imaginary worlds where anything can happen!

Episode 7: ‘Toy Shop’

The children are finding toys to give to a toy sale, but some of them are broken and when they are transported into their imaginary world they discover a fabulous toyshop!

Watch how Bailey, Jenny and Jimmy help them to repair their toys!

Join in with 3 fun action songs: Wheels On The Bus, Spinning Top and Jack In The Box available
NOW on Amazon Prime.

You can also buy the Tumble Tots Fun Adventures DVD featuring episodes 1 – 3 on the
Tumble Tots Online Shop.

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